Boutique Tea House

Specializing in Premium Teas from Taiwan

Blog posts

Small Pot Oolong Tea Hot Brew Guide

Small Pot Oolong Tea Hot Brew Guide

Small Teapots are ideal for steeping oolong tea leaves multiple times for a quick and interesting tea tasting journey.  As you explore our collection of premium oolongs from Taiwan, start with these guidelines.
Tea Cold Brew Guide

Tea Cold Brew Guide

Water temperature plays a large role in the taste emitted from tea leaves.  For example, boiling water may scald tea leaves, leaving an acidic afte...
The Real Tea Part II: The Prized + Pungent Oolongs, Puerhs & Yellows

The Real Tea Part II: The Prized + Pungent Oolongs, Puerhs & Yellows

In our prequel piece, we laid the groundwork for what makes a particular libation truly “tea.” If you need a recap on all of the basics of Camelli...